India—How we can help.

Right now, India is going through its most challenging time in the pandemic. Daily COVID-19 cases continue to soar, setting record highs, with hospitals at capacity and in dire need of urgent supplies to cope with the ever-increasing number of patients.

Iyengar Yoga Australia and our community are extending our best wishes for the well-being of people living in India as they navigate through the devastating rise of COVID cases and fight through this awful stage of the pandemic.

We express our deepest concerns and sympathies to RIMYI and the Iyengar family and all who work at the Institute; they are in our hearts.

Although we may feel powerless when seeing the numbers and news from India, we can help by donating to charities working locally and on the ground.

If you would like to donate to support India's ground efforts, we have compiled a list of organisations.

— PMCARES (official Prime Ministers fund for relief)


— Give India


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